Destinations & Courses
The majority of our pupils go to their first choice university and some of the popular destinations include:
Bath Birmingham Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Exeter Edinburgh Falmouth Kings College Kingston Leeds Liverpool London College of Fashion Loughborough Manchester Nottingham Oxford Oxford Brookes Queen Mary University London Reading Royal Holloway Sheffield Southampton St Andrews Surrey Sussex Swansea University College London University of the Arts, London Warwick Westminster
Some of the popular courses include:
Accountancy and Finance Agriculture with Animal Science Applied Medical Sciences Architecture Art Foundation Course Biology Biomedical Science Business and Politics Business Management Business Studies Chemical Engineering Dentistry Diagnostic Radiology Drama Economics Engineering English Literature Events Management Fashion Film & Television Production Fine Art Food & Nutrition French Geography History History of Art International Relations Law Marketing & Management Material Science Mathematics Medicine Midwifery Modern Language Natural Sciences Nursing Pharmacology Physics Political Science Psychology Social Anthropology Social Psychology Spanish Speech Therapy Sport & Exercise Science Teaching Theatre & Performance Studies Wildlife Conservation
Wychwood is fantastic at providing outstanding opportunities for its pupils.